Patrick Min, publications 2004 - present

Click here for older publications.

Curve-Skeleton Properties, Applications and Algorithms (7.5MB), Nicu Cornea, Deborah Silver, Patrick Min, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(3):530-548, May-June 2007
Curve-Skeleton Applications (2.4 MB), Nicu Cornea, Deborah Silver, Patrick Min, Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005 (VIS 05), Minneapolis, October 2005, pages 95-102
Shape-based Retrieval and Analysis of 3D Models (3.1 MB), Thomas Funkhouser, Michael Kazhdan, Patrick Min, Philip Shilane, Communications of the ACM, 48(6):58-64, June 2005
A Comparison of Systems and Tools for 3D Scanning (1.1 MB), Frank ter Haar, Paolo Cignoni, Patrick Min, Remco Veltkamp, Workshop on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Italy-Canada, May 2005
A Comparison of Text and Shape Matching for Retrieval of Online 3D Models, with statistical significance testing (475K), Patrick Min, Utrecht University, Technical Report UU-CS-2004-026, December 2004
Animatable Human Body Model Reconstruction from 3D Scan Data using Templates (463K), Laurent Moccozet, Fabien Dellas, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Silvia Biasotti, Michela Mortara, Bianca Falcidieno, Patrick Min, and Remco Veltkamp, Proc. CapTech Workshop on Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments, Zermatt, Switzerland, December 2004
A Comparison of Text and Shape Matching for Retrieval of Online 3D Models (55K), Patrick Min, Michael Kazhdan, and Thomas Funkhouser, Proc. European Conference on Digital Libraries, Bath, UK, September 2004, © Springer-Verlag
Modeling by Example (4.8MB), Thomas Funkhouser, Michael Kazhdan, Philip Shilane, Patrick Min, William Kiefer, Ayellet Tal, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, and David Dobkin, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), Los Angeles, August 2004. Movie: DivX 720x480 (71MB), or DivX 360x240 (21MB)
The Princeton Shape Benchmark (202K), Philip Shilane, Patrick Min, Michael Kazhdan, and Thomas Funkhouser, Proc. Shape Modeling International, Genoa, Italy, June 2004
A Beam Tracing Method for Interactive Architectural Acoustics, (695K), Thomas Funkhouser, Nicolas Tsingos, Ingrid Carlbom, Gary Elko, Mohan Sondhi, James E. West, Gopal Pingali, Patrick Min, and Addy Ngan, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(2), pages 739-756, February 2004
A 3D Model Search Engine (4.8MB), Patrick Min, Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, January 2004

Patrick Min
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