Linux tip, Fedora tip / howto: yum is stuck

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yum is stuck

Suddenly yum refused to run (using Fedora 8 here). Apparently there can be many reasons for this. You can get yum to give you some more info by running it like this:
yum -d 10
The last two lines I then get from yum are:
Reading Local RPMDBM
Setting up Package Sacks

The steps I took to fix it (one or more may work for you):

  • rebuild the RPM database:
    rm /var/lib/rpm/__db*
    rpm --rebuilddb
    (takes a while to run)
  • rm /var/run/
  • yum clean all
  • to (temporarily) disable extra repositories, I created a subdirectory disabled in the repositories directory:
    cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    mkdir disabled
    mv freshrpms.repo disabled
    mv livna.repo disabled

This did the trick, unfortunately I didn't test properly, so now I don't know which of the steps were required and which weren't...

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