== Usage summary == This is just a copy of the output of binvox when run without parameters: --- [binvox] mesh voxelizer, version 1.35, build #881 on 2023/04/18 16:03:29, running on Linux --- written by Patrick Min, 2004-2023 Error: missing model filename Usage: binvox [-d ] [-t ] [-c] [-v] -license: show software license -d: specify voxel grid size (default 256, max 4096) -t: specify voxel file type (default binvox, also supported: hips, mira, vtk, raw, schematic, msh, nrrd) -c: z-buffer based carving method only -dc: dilated carving, stop carving 1 voxel before intersection -v: z-buffer based parity voting method only (default is both -c and -v) -e: exact voxelization (any voxel intersecting a convex polygon gets set)(does not use graphics card) Additional parameters: -bb : force a different input model bounding box -ri: remove internal voxels -cb: center model inside unit cube -rotx: rotate object 90 degrees ccw around x-axis before voxelizing -rotz: rotate object 90 degrees cw around z-axis before voxelizing both -rotx and -rotz can be used multiple times -nf : use normalization factor (default 1.0) -aw: _also_ render the model in wireframe (helps with thin parts) -fit: only write the voxels in the voxel bounding box -bi : when converting to schematic, use block ID -mb: when converting using -e from .obj to schematic, parse block ID from material spec 'usemtl blockid_' (ids 1-255 only) -os : voxelize a single slice a index -pb: use offscreen pbuffer instead of onscreen window -down: downsample voxels by a factor of 2 in each dimension (can be used multiple times) -dmin : when downsampling, destination voxel is on if >= source voxels are (default 4) Supported 3D model file formats: VRML V2.0: almost fully supported UG, OBJ, OFF, DXF, XGL, POV, BREP, PLY, JOT: only polygons supported Example: binvox -c -d 200 -t mira plane.wrl