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combining [2024/03/31 21:34]
badmin [Splitting the 3D model]
combining [2024/04/02 15:19] (current)
badmin [Merging the resulting binvox files]
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 ''​binvox''​ determines a model'​s bounding box and prints it to the terminal: ''​binvox''​ determines a model'​s bounding box and prints it to the terminal:
 +# > binvox -d 128 puppet.obj
 +--- [binvox] mesh voxelizer, version 1.36, build #889 on 2023/07/23 12:28:17, running on Linux
-  - merging the resulting binvox files +  ​Mesh::​normalize,​ bounding box: [-0.768355, -0.313688, -0.034275, 1] - [0.658711, 0.407517, 2.04301, 1] 
-  ​- visualizing the merged binvox file+  ​ 
 +Make a note of these values, and pass them to ''​binvox''​ when voxelizing the heart:
 +# > binvox -d 128 -bb -0.768355 -0.313688 -0.034275 0.658711 0.407517 2.04301 heart.obj
 +I will update ''​binvox''​ such that it prints these ''​-bb''​ parameters so they can be copied and pasted.
 +Now both models have been voxelized such that they can be merged, and be the same relative size and in the same relative position.
 +==== Merging the resulting binvox files ====
 +For this, the ''​binvox_merge''​ tool was created. It takes two binvox files as input, and produces a single binvox file:
 +binvox_merge heart.binvox puppet.binvox -o puppet_with_heart.binvox
 +''​binvox_merge''​ simply sets an output voxel to 1 if it is set in the first input file, and to 2 if it is set in the second input file.
 +The output file is in the binvox **version 2** file format, which supports different values for a set voxel (in the range 1-255). ​
 +**TODO**: some explanation/​options needed about what happens when a voxel is set in both input files
 +==== Visualising the merged binvox file ====
 +''​viewvox''​ (from version 0.51 onwards) supports viewing this new binvox version 2 file format.
 +A useful new feature is the ability to toggle "point rendering"​ of each input component, using the number keys 1 through 9 (so in our example only keys 1 and 2 are useful).
combining.1711917293.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/31 21:34 by badmin