Linux tip, Fedora tip / howto: create a DVD audio file (MPEG2) from an AVI file

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create a DVD audio file (MPEG2) from an AVI file

For this you need mplayer and the mjpegtools. It's a simple two step process:
  • extract a WAV file from the AVI:
    mplayer -ao pcm:fast -vo null -vc null <inputfile.avi>
  • the audio will have been written to a file audiodump.wav, which you can first edit with a program like audacity if you like
  • to convert the WAV file to MPEG2 (the format a DVD uses for audio):
    mp2enc -r 48000 -o audio.mpa < audiodump.wav
  • the MPEG2 audio will end up in a file audio.mpa, which is ready for multiplexing with (adding to) an MPEG2 video file (e.g. "film.m2v") using mplex (which is also part of the mjpegtools package)

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